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Yarn - Juteko, spol. s r.o.


Manufacture, import and wholesale of jute products

na začátek stránky


Jute yarn is available in counts from 100 TEX up to 3000 TEX. The required quality depends on the final use, which is mostly weaving and is being marked as CBS, CRT, CRX etc.
In case you need another quality or packing please do not hesitate to contact us. Contact us.

Jute yarn 1 kg coil

Packaging: 12 pcs
Natural: 300 m (∅ 3,5 mm, TEX 827/835 x 4)
Colorful: 150 m (∅ 4,5 mm, TEX 950 x 7), 300 m (∅ 3,5 mm, TEX 827/835 x 4)
Colors: bleached, red, green, blue, brown, yellor, natural

Jute yarn 5-6 kg coil

natural and colorful TEX 95 - 8600

Jute yarn 7-9 kg coil

natural and colorful TEX 95 - 8600

Customer service

Our sales representative is ready to answer your questions. In case you need another quality or packing please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sales representative

  1. +420 777 207 525
  2. info@juteko.com