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Juteko, spol. s r.o. - Výroba, import a velkoobchod juty a jutových výrobků


Manufacture, import and wholesale of jute products

na začátek stránky






Decoration fabrics and tapes

Shopping bags / promotion and gift bags


Nonwoven textile

Braids and coir roping


Jute – green gem of India

Jute is 100% natural fibre. It is known for its broad application spectrum and as a versatile technical fibre. Jute is a fast growing, recyclable and 100 % biodegradable fibre, the least expensive natural fibre available in sufficient quantity. Minimal quantity of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are used during production. Jute does not emit any toxic gases or harmful chemical substances.

More info

Customer service

Our sales representative is ready to answer your questions. In case you need another quality or packing please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sales representative

  1. +420 777 207 525
  2. info@juteko.com